
Showing posts from August, 2020

By Stander In My POV

By stander most related to negative thing, right? Well, I won't write about the bad thing being by stander. Apasih arti by stander ? Ga tau. Hahaha. Becanda. By stander atau pengamat; penonton; orang yang berdiri di pinggir ( google translate. Ofcourse not really valid ). Berarti orang itu bukanlah pelaku protagonis maupun antagonis. Istilah latinnya figuran. Pasti udah banyak yang baca kasus bullying dan didalamnya membahas juga by stander atau menjadi saksi mata terjadinya bullying . Yep! By stander have and also got the impact from what they've seen or seeing. Rather good or bad. Atau pernah baca juga yang seorang anak rankingnya hampir dibawah tapi disukai anak-anak lain karena dia bahagia jadi seseorang yang hanya bertepuk tangan dipinggir jalan? That is another side of by stander. Good or bad? You decided. Dari pengalaman gue pribadi, by stander ga selalu buruk kok. Menjadi tempat curhat hanya mendengarkan, dicari pas butuh, jadi bahan becandaan orang2 biar ketawa (selam...

He Is Getting Older

My father supposed to have black hair. Rambut hitam yang tebal. Since 2000 or 2005 his hair getting grey slowly. And now in 2018, I stand in front of him when he sits in front of me at commuter line. I just realize up his head, there is some space which supposed to be hair there. I suddenly have that thought. How can I mostly talk back him? I want to cry now. But, let this be my reminder when I get angry because of him. Be grateful, I still have both of my parents <3


  Malam, ceritanya gue ingin mengikuti orang-orang. Istilah kerennya gue pengen mainstream. Kalo kata temen gue, biar viral dan panjat sosyel siapa tau ketemu jodoh hehehehe Entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini ada aja baha buat di tulis bersamaan dengan otak gue yang dengan cepat merangkai kata *anjaas (kenapa giliran nulis bab 1 otak gue mandek ya?) Jadi ceritanya gue mulai tertarik isu golongan pas maba. Pas jaman-jamannya gue staf polos yang ga tau apa-apa. Sekarang juga si. Maklum gue kan suka asbun hahahaha biar panjat sosyel. Especially tarbiyah. Tarbiyah tuh apa sih? Kalo gue search google artinya tuh pendidikan*. Pun yang dulu gue pahami di liqo yang gue ikutin di rumah tarbiyah adalah menuntut ilmu. Tapi menuntut ilmunya terkait ajaran-ajaran Islam macam perilaku, hak kewajiban, aqidah, fiqh. Pokoknya yang terkait agama yang gue anut deh dan berkelanjutan alias kalo bisa ga berhenti di tengah jalan dalam memahami Islam. Selain itu juga diajarin toleransi, keterbukaan dan beberapa...

On That Day

  Hari ini 10 November 2017 Gue menemukan hal menarik dimana di Stasiun Tanah Abang diputar lagu 'Mengheningkan Cipta' untuk memperingati Hari Pahlawan The thing is...I'm glad that I experienced this thing

Being So Random

  Gue jahat si. Pengennya diperhatiin tapi ga pengen ada status. Hatered not in the right place you stupid creature little girl. Temen rasa pacar.  Pengen punya. Ahahaha...jangan kebanyakan nonton drakor si ndis. Jangan kebanyakan merhatiin orang pacaran. Nanti ingin. Ga guna. Un-faedah

The Messy Thought

Seseorang baru saja membuka usahanya. Aku melihatnya di story yang dibuat. Hebat sekali, ditengah keadaan seperti ini dia berhasil membuat usaha dan mungkin menyalurkan hobinya. Sepertinya aku juga bisa.  . .  .  Wah... Dia akan menikah sebentar lagi. Di keadaan yang seperti ini. Beruntungnya mereka, menemukan sedikit kebahagian kecil ditengah keadaan yang tidak bisa dibilang baik-baik saja ini. Semoga perjalanan mereka diberi kelancaran dan kemudahan. Yaah... Semoga ada yang segera menemukanku juga di saat seperti ini.  .  .  .  Bukankah dia baru saja memulainya? Sepertinya pesanan untuk dagangan yang dia pasarkan tidak putus. Kapan ya aku bisa memulainya? Padahal akupun memiliki banyak barang yang bisa dijual.  .  .  .  Wah... Dia sudah menguasai kemampuan baru. Senang melihatnya. Semoga suatu saat dia dapat membuka akunnya sendiri untuk membagikan ilmunya. Aku iri, tapi sepertinya akupun tidak melakukan apa-apa pada hidupku....

Situation #2

One day you decided to go somewhere out of the city by yourself. Seems like you need some time for yourself and fix your broken heart. So, as you always know you go to the bus pool and step in to the bus you decided to take. The ride didn't take long, around five 'til six hours coz there are two stops in the middle. In this two stops you met someone. No, this is not that kind of romance you know. Someone you met in the first stop is actually fine besides he acts like someone close to you and order much too. Coz, he tell you not to do this and that while you think he do that to you only but turns out to everyone in the buss too. So that other people ask you to tell him to stop and you wonder why coz the only reason is they see you and him as someone close. Like what?!  In the second stop where you finally talked to him and tell what other passenger think of him something strange happened. Not much but, it kinda creepy coz this person you've talked began to look at you contin...

Situation #1

You constanly stood on the same spot everytime you depart by commuterline. There is also someone who most likely seeing you almost everytime. Then this person start to notice your presence meanwhile you aren't.  So this person everytime he spot you when he is in his schedule try to make you realize coz, he gets attract by the time being you always try to do something to not fall asleep and miss your stop. He knows that its already happened couple of time when he saw you.  One time, he gather his courage to greet you but that's actually because you fall on the door where he is in. He asked you if you are okay. So, he offer you to stay inside because the other side is really crowded. Well, since you are pretty ashamed coz of the falling in awkward position you tried to turn the offer down. But he insisted. What a great opportunity, most of the passenger tell you to accept the offer. You can guess the rest of story.  Happy Sunday everyone👋🏼 And please comment if there is g...