I'm not that kind of fan

Well, this is no hard feeling. Really. I absolutely sure. Err....maybe.
Gimana ya? Mereka lagi cerita.
And I sit beside them. So, how can I can't hear that? Then. It's not important anymore. By the way, that was something I want to talk about. Buuutt, I don't know how to explain that? Oh really. It's all not that important.
I. Really. Not. That. Kind. Of. Fan.
If you read this. You should know.
I-ever-love-you. Maybe until you read this I still love you or Not. Okay, this is really not important.
But, you should know. This is not that kind of love #ciiyyeee. Wkwkwkwk. Udahlah. It's time to go home now. Life well, eat well(?)


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